Higher spectrum of universal energy.
Connecting with universal intelligence.
Non-invasive does not require physical touch.
No rituals, consultations, preparation required.
Vibrates with a higher harmonic level of light.
Light information entrains with the energy bodies.
Scientifically researched & confirmed,
Dozen international studies conducted.
Restructuring & advancement of your DNA.
Bio-photonic light emission produced.
Three 45 Minute sessions for best results.
Quiet detached location.
Cost: £48
Duration: 60 minutes
Days: Mon/Tue/Wed/Thur/Fri
Location: Bristol
Payment: PayPal or Bank Transfer
two days prior to appointment
Cancellation Period: 24 hours
What is Reconnective Healing?
Reconnective Healing is a new healing frequency that activates light and information in the body of the recipient. It helps to improve cellular DNA function and increases a sense of balance and overall wellbeing. It’s a highly evolved form of energy interaction that continues to advance our health and quality of life. It progressively connects you to infinite inner freedom through an expansion of innate consciousness. It promotes the ability to not only heal ourselves but to also have a positive effect on the lives of those around us.
Recognised by today’s science as the Reconnective Healing frequencies, Reconnective Healing is comprised of this new, all-inclusive spectrum of energy, light and information. These vibrational frequencies encompass the energy systems and benefit all energy healing techniques, yet are quite accessible without any complicated steps, procedures or rituals.
How many sessions do I need?
These are recommended in a series of three individual sessions, Reconnective Healing should not be considered therapy or treatment, but a space to allow CHANGE. Each session will differ as every session and every person is unique.

In essence, healing is this: the release or removal of a block or interference that has kept us separate from the perfection of the universe.
Dr Eric Pearl, Reconnection
What can I expect during the session?
In these sessions, my recommendation is that you simply remain mindful and aware. Try to avoid a state of expectancy, openness is the best way to experience and receive frequency healing. You will be asked to lay (fully clothed) on the treatment couch with your eyes closed. I will then start to provide the session which requires no physical touch as it is performed from a short distance. Some clients witness movements within the body, tingling sensations, changes of body temperature, a deep physical state of letting go and relaxation. Whilst others have slipped into a deep hypnogogic state similar to just before sleep. We all experience it differently as we are all unique, so again it is best not to look for a specific result. Simply allow yourself to be a witness to your own body as you receive these wonderful transmissions of light frequencies.
What changes will occur after my sessions?
Following your sessions, take a look at your life and be the observer. Notice what has begun to shift. It may be on a physical level. It may be on a mental or emotional level. It may be that a relationship has become easier or a work challenge has disappeared. You will receive what is most appropriate for you in your life and for those, you interact with. Reconnective Healing is a source of wholeness. It is palpable. There is a vibrational shift happening in your very cells. Your DNA is changing. You begin to emit more coherent levels of light. You feel more aligned with your mind and body, allowing for life changes to move you forward in a direction most preferable to your own unique life path.