Creates mind-body connection.
Deeper relaxation & breath work.
Greater balance and coordination.
Channel opening exercises.
Improves life force generation.
Posture & alignment improvements.
A personal daily practice program.
Discipline, focus & intent improved.
A proficient self-defense.
A practice for health & cultivation.
Learn Wing Chun Kung Fu drills & forms
A synergy of Qigong practices
Subtle energy body awareness

Sifu Molly Jones imparts her great knowledge of the art to the class with focus and discipline, whilst her humour and warmth keep the learning environment relaxed and enjoyable. She makes every one at all levels feel supported and listened to and is generous with her time, energy and advice. As someone who struggles with mental health issues and a history of back trouble, using the ideas of wing chun to also build up self defense and resilience for our physical and mental health makes a lot of sense to me. In the few months I’ve been attending Molly’s school, I’ve been struck by the elegance, simplicity and efficiency of the wing chun system and love how its ideas can also extend far beyond the martial, and help us to become more balanced, aware and spiritually connected human beings. I feel very grateful to be a part pf it, thanks Sifu!
Owen Gatley
Synergy Energetics aims to build a strong foundation for better body awareness and structural alignment. The relaxation aspects alone will benefit your health immensely, but it can also vastly improve other practices such as sports, martial arts and dance. The sessions contain an infusion of practical tools along with corrections to improve your posture if required, making it a complete care package. It will teach you how to synchronise mental faculties that will imbue balance, co-ordination, posture and body alignment. Much like learning to strengthen a muscle, we work to train the brain using a set of repetitive, perfectly aligned and symmetrical physical movements.
When practice is applied, ideally a little every day, you will start to see improvements in your general well being. If for example you get tired easily or perhaps you don't sleep well, check that this is not due to poor daily postures.
The way in which we express our energy through the mind-body connection is what illustrates our vibrant spiritual energy. Having greater awareness and the ability to feel and redirect this life force is a vital asset for your power of manifestation towards personal health, happiness and overall longevity.
It has been proven that over time habitual tendencies to slouch or even stand
asymmetrically can create invariable stresses throughout the body. This pertains to the organs that are under pressure due to the inadvertent restrictions caused by poor posture. This also forces the body into a perpetual state of conflict as it fights to maintain its more natural state of equilibrium. This whole process takes a toll on the body, its alignment and your finite energy resource. Our innate intelligence really wants us to move in an open and effortless way as this helps to conserve energy. This can be made possible with regular mind-body practice and a little daily dedication of course. It is one of the most effective processes that we can use to develop more awareness of our internal state. It offers the opportunity to transform ourselves, through the act of self-discipline and an appreciation of our physical body.

The atmosphere is amazing and everyone that visits the classes is very friendly and humble. I am so glad that I was introduced to the intricacy of Wing Chun by Sifu Molly as she is very experienced and does not spare any of her personal time and energy to pass on her knowledge to her students. The way that Kung Fu is thought here is not only for its self-defence traits but also as a way of internal betterment/development and self-discovery. It has definitely helped me to establish better balance in my life and will hopefully help me to keep that balance for the future. Thank you for everything Sifu!
Martin Todorov Taz, Synergy Student
Synergy Wing Chun comes from the intrinsic wisdom and ideals of Wing Chun Kung Fu. Traditionally this art shows you how to deal with multiple forces whilst in a close-range combat scenario. It teaches controlling and trapping techniques, low kicks, punches, palm strikes, elbows and sweeps. The technical system merits itself on being simple, direct and economic in its application. A key foundation of Wing Chun is to focus on developing
internal qualities that improve and transform the mind-body connection. This art requires you to symmetrically align your skeletal structure and decompress anatomical joints, starting with the spine. It avoids relying on muscular strength, but instead, opts for the path of least resistance which is achieved from abiding by the laws of physics. At the heart of Wing Chun is the ability to apply the yin yang principles taken from the ancient wisdom of the Tao Te Ching.
You use the mind to move and release all unnecessary tension held within your fascia network of soft connective tissue. This practice alone will manifest remarkable health benefits as it helps to clear pathways that aid the transportation of information between the brain and central nervous system. This helps to serve the other major systems of the body both holistically and energetically.

Amazing tuition, great explanation and explains the yin and yang elements of this incredible marital art. Sifu Molly encourages you along your path in Wing Chun and merges it with her vast knowledge of energy healing, thus highlighting the importance of the internal and external practice.
Blaise Penny-Kirkwood, Synergy Student
Although Wing Chun is a comprehensive fighting art, fundamentally I prefer to teach it as a form of energetic self-defense. It serves as an excellent way to explore movement, discipline the mind, and cultivate life force. For this art to be applied correctly, requires a great deal of skill that combines relaxation, timing, sensitivity, awareness, self-control and disciplined focus. The key attributes for building a healthy state of mind, body and spirit. The essence of the martial art can provide so much more to a practitioner than just a fighting mechanism.
This is why I offer Synergy Energetics for those who may not resonate with the combative side of martial arts, but still want the physical challenge that exposes any weaknesses that can be strengthened and built upon over time. When you begin to form a precise alignment that allows you to issue, absorb and re-direct forces from a training partner, the practice naturally starts to flow into your everyday life as a surprisingly useful energetic life tool. The practice creates a positive impact in creating a stronger mind-body connection, as well as creating clearly defined energetic boundaries that are most needed when having to deal with any potential negative people, situations or places. I can teach new student's either privately if local or online using the zoom meeting rooms.

You will begin to notice improvements in your balance, coordination and postural alignment. You start to become more aware of how to centre yourself mentally, and how applying the correct body mechanics will naturally help you to release the unwanted tension that can persist in the body. It will leave you in a relaxed, mindful and more grounded disposition. The forms can help identify blocked energy that inhibits the body, you learn to dissolve this with the focus of your mind that releases and circulates life force. The mindfulness state introduced in the first section of Siu Lim Tao is equivalent to a moving meditation. This brain frequency helps you to maintain a more peaceful outlook in life as well as an increased physical vitality.
With regular practice, the left and right hemisphere of your brain will start to build, activate and strengthen cross neural pathways. The bilateral nature of Wing Chun drills will help train both sides of the body simultaneously which encourages a continuous flow that unconsciously just becomes part of your subconscious movement. The level of respect and co-operation required when working with others, along with magnified self-awareness helps reflect subconscious behaviour patterns. This gives us a unique opportunity to change how we view our reality. The practices will help address any subconscious egocentric tendencies or emotional/psychological weaknesses. This inner awareness is the path to becoming a more balanced, integral, authentic and accountable spiritual human being.