I really cannot begin to tell you the difference I feel with these applied energy corrections. The change within my own inner landscape has rewarded me with a strong and lasting ability to stay aligned, focused and productive. There is literally nothing that multidimensional quantum coherence energy work cannot improve upon. After years of providing energetic bodywork sessions and teaching body alignment, it is my direct experience that the majority of our issues come from a collection of somatic trauma stored within the energy bodies.
These are often created by inner conflicts
and reside between our conscious and subconscious mind. These unresolved conflicts often go on to produce an energetic plethora of mental and emotional debris that tend to constrict
in nature.
This is literally your life force energy being filtered through old negative programs, producing low frequencies that congest your subtle bodies. This can then create blockages in the physical body, subtle organs, meridian channels, circulatory system, lymphatic system, chakra system, astral bodies, mental field and more.
These lower frequencies will often create a toxic environment that attracts negative spirits, entities, parasites and implant attachments. These tend to enter the auric field due to the lower frequencies that they resonate with. It is often these attachments that can lead to addictive personality disorders, persistent negative thoughts, self sabotage, chronic pain low energy, low mood and more.
They will often stay deeply buried within the auric field if these lower frequencies (emotions) are not identified and released. This is because they tend to create a symbiotic relationship with the lower frequencies that support them. This occurrence very often blocks the heart space which can lead to the suppression of the human spirit.
The journey can then result in the combination of a subconscious resistance to change and acceptance of new outcome. This can cause the manifestation of this problem to persist and even escalate. If it continues to remain unresolved it will often block the energy fields that allow us to experience our full individual and authentic spiritual nature.
Once the resistances have been identified and cleared, the flow of life resumes and a return to balance and wellness is once again restored. It might be helpful to remind you here that we each have a vast multidimensional story that resides within each and every one of us. It is your subconscious mind and DNA memory that stores your past experiences and vast ancestral connections. It is often these hidden parts of your unique story that is seeking your acknowledgement and conscious awareness so that you can finally become whole.
This is evidenced by the recurring dream, the thought that pops up frequently, the extreme trigger that overwhelms you and so much more. These Quantum Healing sessions meticulously intuit, identify and remove the frequencies, memories and energy interference from your subtle energy bodies that connect to the
multidimensional planes.
This will then reconstruct your energy system to realign, to allow your life force to flow freely within the channels, river beds and oceans within the microcosm of your body. It is when this happens that your symptoms will greatly reduce and often just naturally disappear.

"My quantum healing sessions are conducted remotely using Whatsapp. I will ask you to find a quiet place to relax and observe your body. I will then begin to connect with your innate intelligence and scan your energy to clear any blockages at the root cause level. When I activate a change in your energy field you may feel a subtle shift in your symptoms as they gradually reduce and release from your awareness.
I use a methodical approach to help bring vital energy systems back into coherence by transmuting dark energy and harmonising your systems to help sustain your life force. This may also include things such as dissolving cords, etheric implant removal and entity release. These are essential parts of any spiritual hygiene work. I may also channel light codes that help activate your heart space and strengthen your electromagnetic field potential.
This synergistic approach helps align your energy system which is essential for accessing and maintaining higher states of frequency. It is through the deletion of negative programming, negative core beliefs, wounds and unconscious patterned behaviors that new frequencies can start to emerge. My goal is to clear dark energies, raise coherence scores and activate the light body to help you improve your connection to Source Creator."
Molly Jones, Multidimensional Quantum Healer

"I was absolutely blown away by the experience I had working with Molly and the subsequent results. I have engaged with Clinical psychologists, therapists and counsellors in the past but none came close to the deep healing experience I have had and the establishment of a solid platform for me to continue to build a new way of living".
Tim Kirby, Meditation Teacher, Bristol

"Wow… hands down Molly Jones is one of the most intuitive healers you will ever have the delight of sharing a session with. If your aim is to work through deep, long held blocks as an extension of your own personal healing journey then Molly will guide you intuitively, energetically and spiritually and reach those parts you can’t on your own. If you are new then it’s like an interactive psychic reading that will help you clear the insights you discover, before you finish. Either way, I would not hesitate to recommend trying a session (or more) with Molly, just save some space for me".
Nick Grove, Consciousness Explorer, UK

"Amazing, really powerful energy what you do, honestly I've never felt anything like it and I've been to a lot of healers and reiki masters. Nothing comes close".
Scott, Yoga Kundalini Teacher, Wales